Wednesday, December 8, 2010

It's Christmas. Be thankful.

Now, if not every day, is the time to be thankful.
This picture is from a deliciously, adorable, wonderful, little new person in my life- Malibu .  Thank you for coming into my life Malibu. 
Thank you to my followers for following me, I get very excited when each one of you clicks follow and share your 'thoughts'. 
Thank you Wellington, for your buskers, your bars, your buildings, your cafes with courtyards, for introducing us to your adopted Sun.
Thank you to my delicious friends MR DJ L JACKS TV PEGS.
Thank you to meeting new people. 
Thank you to my new friends from university. 
Thank you university. 
Thank you to friendly store people.
Thank you to cute boys. 
Thank you to new music. 
Thank you snuggles and spoons.
Thank you coffee.
Thank you to Aro Valley.
Thank you to suede shoes.
Thank you to frilly  and high knee socks.
Thank you Uncle John for my Levi denim jacket. 
Thank you Mother for my knitted xmas jersey.
Thank you father for your grown vegetables.
Thank you deck. 
Thank you giant bean bag.
Thank you new food. 
Thank you Kylie Kwong.
Thank you Aro park.
Thank you nights in Mighty Mighty.
Thank you extra goodies with gelato. 
I could write more but I think this already surpasses the length I like my posts to be.
Thank you.