Sunday, January 30, 2011

Guarantee yourself laughter.

Laugh. I'm so in love with all my friends. But the ones who make me laugh, I am forever smitten by.  If you aren't laughing enough, then perhaps you should meet some new people slash meet my friends below. Contagious laughter is one of the best things to catch from a friend. And to have a friend with all symptoms of this disease, is someone to forever hold on to.

...these two are by no means an understatement for being named the biggest culprits of spreading contagious laughter into my life.

If you don't have a friend ( or 2...or 3...or 4 or 20) in your life that can make you laugh, you're missing out. Guaranteed laughter is a given in my life. And there is no way I could get by without it/them...

Friday, January 28, 2011

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Write on your mirror.

The thing about your mirror is, you look in it multiple times a day (don't deny it). 

So it's the easiest way to make yourself smile- when you write on it...

It's also an easy way to make a friend smile... friend delightfully did my mirror above, with quotes from Cassie like "wow"...and delightful words of "beautiful" and "cute"....just to make sure I don't forget ;)

or what...

Stay in Magic.

2:40 pm. I'm out of bed. I haven't had the chance to sleep in much lately, so this day has been much awaited.

 And I swear something or someone is on my side because there is something so completely magical about today...I woke up...and didn't need to go to because the rain was already here... 

So with the gorgeous gloom of the clouds,  my fairy lights are able to have the effect that they only usually give when the dark decides to join me near the end of the day.

 Ipod speakers plugged in with a shuffle of Angus & Julia, She & Him, Janelle Monae, Marie Antoinette and Damien Rice...
one filter of coffee down...

and a sloppy cardie as my only attire. 

Sitting in my wonderful, wild flower patterned op shop chair, writing to you, whoever you are, telling you, it may have been the wonderful night been, it may have been the sound of a special friend on a 1:00 am call, or it could have been enjoying Courtney Place hot dogs on the wharf at 3:00am with real rain ...regardless, I'm telling you... today...
 is magical. 

Capture something new.

There's something so simple about meeting new people...

Something so exciting about having a conversation with them...

Something so mysteriously new when you catch each others glance...

 When something so unexpected...

Can be so familiar...

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Follow a Flower Girl.

So amidst my maze of a blog world (I don't think I'll ever find a way out-then again I don't ever want to!), I came across this wonderful, wonderful delight...

My take on her is...
She mixes inspiration from Peter Pan, childhood stickers, Chanel, wild flowers, lipstick colors, mistletoe, the Olson twins, Audrey Hepburn, Phoebe from Friends, black & white simplicity and a natural mix of punk & vintage...

I can't help but call her my favorite fashion blogger...and that's a big call...have you seen my blog list I follow?

I want these jeans soooo badly...

I also want her eyebrows soooo badly...

So without a doubt I recommend to you her blog, check it out, follow it, and love it. Forever and always.

Click me...

Friday, January 21, 2011

Throw your head back and shout baby.

I had a day without coffee. 

Then I watched this ad..
(only watch the first 20 seconds of this ad to get the vibe I'm talking about, especially if you're a guy)
...and thought...fuck it...

So I filled up my plunger with fresh Vivace coffee..

Downloaded the song and...
This happened...

Now I need to get back to dancing in my bedroom and gracing the people on the street who can without a doubt hear this song blasting on repeat...

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Pull Shapes

There is something so incredibly brilliant about shapes. All mixed up and shattered all over the show. On your clothes, on your wall, on your bag, on your face...

Go Splatter.